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Building Your Social Media Pages




  • Create a Twitter account - When asked for a user ID which will be your @ address choose something short and catchy.


  • Create an Instagram account - Download the Instagram app on your smart phone's online app store.


Make sure you complete your profiles as best as possible. With all four social media sites you can include a background image, profile picture, a description about you and a link to your website. Even if you already have active accounts on these networks it's still highly advised that you create new accounts that highlight your webcam modeling profile.



Download the mobile phone apps


Download the mobile phone apps, this way you can keep your profiles updated easily from your mobile phone without ever needing to turn your computer on. Once you have these social media apps on your phone, you can sign in with your account details and post comments, images and video directly from your mobile.



OK, I have my social profiles, where do I start?


Post a collection of steamy photos in your photo gallery. Make sure the profile picture that everyone sees first is very sexy so it draws in your potential clients. Then start finding your competition. Search across the social sites for keywords like "webcam models". Look at these other profiles and see who's following them, then simply start following your competitors followers. Hopefully they will start following back and your fan base will start to grow.


What should I post about and how often?


Post as often as you can, the more you post the more people will follow you and become fans. There is nothing more engaging than pictures and videos so try to include these in your posts as often as you can. Take pictures of your sexist clothes, shoes, makeup, pictures of yourself and places you're going. All this will help engage people and leave them wanting to know more. Post funny comments and let your true personality shine through.


If someone follows you, make sure you thank them. In a tweet it can be as simple as "Hey @paradisekitty thanks for the follow xxx". Engaging people creates more posts and shows you're human with a genuine interest in your fans.


Social Media is huge and if you're not part of it then you're losing out on huge amounts of traffic to your website. Social Media has a global reach and using it effectively can open many doors to many possibilities.




















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